A survey on changes in beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and world views following psychedelic use

A collaboration between the Beckley Foundation and Andrew McGahan from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand

What is the purpose of this study?

This is a two-part exploratory study which aims to map the relationships between real world psychedelic use and the psychedelic users’ self-understanding through their beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and world views. Additionally, we wish to better understand similarities and differences between therapeutic and recreational psychedelic use. Gathering this data can help inform future psychedelic therapy practices as well as provide a broader description of psychedelic practices, beliefs surrounding psychedelic use and enduring effects of psychedelics in recreational / naturalistic settings.   
The second part of the study (an interview) is completely optional and is not required to participate in the online survey. The interview would occur via a video call (e.g. zoom or skype) where we would go into further detail related to your experiences using psychedelics, your beliefs about them and how they have affected you. The interview would occur at later date and an active email address would be needed to set up a convenient time to talk. At the end of the survey you will be given the opportunity to provide your email if you wish to participate in the interview
Entry requirements

To take part in this study, you must be at least 18 years of age, have a good understanding of the English language and have taken a psychedelic substance at some point in your life (not only a micro dose). 

Survey now closed